gi joe: retaliation

action packed and mindless.

but also a lot of fun.  as i was watching this crazy ninja rock climbing combat sequence i decided, yeah, my gi joe’s could do that.

and you do gotta remember this is a movie based on a toy line.  and toys can do anything!

dwayne johnson and channing tatum are good on screen together.  i can see some buddy movies in their future.  the story is pretty far fetched, much like some of the old gi joe cartoons i used to watch.

adrianne palicki is kinda good looking.  she should be in more tight red dresses.  ay carumba!

bruce willis is one of my favs, and i’ll admit to somewhat of a man crush so take that every how you like.  but he’s always fun to watch blow shit up.

but anyway, it’s a fun, mindless action movie with some pretty decent lines and some killer action.

it’s rated pg-13 but suitable for most ages i’d say.  not sure why it got the pg-13.  i think someone may give somone the finger but i don’t recall any language.  i think my language in this review is worse that anything in the movie.  adrianne palicki is in her underwear once and byung-hun lee (storm shadow) is shirtless most of the movie.  but if i was cut up like that i’d never wear a shirt either.

as always the 3D is completely unnessessary but there are a couple good scenes where the 3D is used to good effect.  some of the high altitude stuff got be a bit queasy.

it’s a large popcorn and drink combo for sure.

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