Posts Tagged ‘training day’

The Equalizer.

October 7, 2014

Ok, so this isn’t the most original film idea in history. In fact, you’ve probably seen something with a similar storyline several times this year in the cinemas and also on TV, or on video or whatever.

But that don’t mean Denzel Washington isn’t a bad ass.

This film has all the cliche’d shots, the hero walking in slow motion away from an explosion, he’s nearly indestructible taking out many, many bad guys and only getting grazed with a bullet here and there. He even goes all Rambo and cauterizes his own wound with a blowtorch and door knob.

It’s Denzel being Denzel.

Basically, he’s a mild mannered employee at a Home Depot type of store. He interacts with his co-workers and is an over all positive influence in their lives. He befriends a Russian hooker and all hell breaks loose.

In the end he goes all Die Hard in the above mentioned Home Depot type store.

His cold, steely stare as the baddies die off one by one. He gets quite creative, ya know. He’s going Die Hard in a Home Depot.

If this was just some dude off the street we didn’t know, it would probably not be so good. But I’m excited that it is Denzel and I’m stoked they leave it open for another one. I vaguely remember The Equalizer from the 80’s. Seems to me it was an old white dude. It’s better with Denzel.

Go see it. Buy a large popcorn. Sit back, and enjoy.

It is gruesome though so be warned. Not for the little ones. It’s R for a reason. And it’s a mostly violent reason.

Directed by Antoine Fuqua who also directed Denzel in the awesome, Academy winning Training Day.

brooklyn’s finest.

March 10, 2010

this is  a damn fine film.  if you don’t mind some foul language, bloody gun fights and some borderline gratuitus sex.  which i mostly don’t.

this is directed antoine fuqua, who if anyone remembers go denzel washington his oscar for training day.  and that was a damn fine flick as well.  i liked this one better.

talk about a stellar cast, don cheadle, ethan hawke, richard gere and who is that?  wesley snipes?  nice to see you again wesley.  we were getting tired of waiting for blade 4.  hope you made enough to get the tax man off your back.  you are as good as you’ve ever been here.

in fact, this might be my favorite richard gere movie.  everyone is great.

this is a hard core cop drama where there are no good guys.  everyone in this film has some glaring flaws.  there are no clear cut heros or antagonist.  everyone has got major issues.  from alcoholic cops about to retire and just don’t give a flip, to undercover cops with more allegiance to his crime buddy.

i think i’ll go on record and call this the best movie of the year so far.  go see it.  it’s better than alice in wonderland which came out with it this weekend.  unless your a little kid.  then alice is for you.  i mean, i wouldn’t take children to see brooklyn’s finest.

four and a half empty clips out of five.