Posts Tagged ‘ethan hawke’

brooklyn’s finest.

March 10, 2010

this is  a damn fine film.  if you don’t mind some foul language, bloody gun fights and some borderline gratuitus sex.  which i mostly don’t.

this is directed antoine fuqua, who if anyone remembers go denzel washington his oscar for training day.  and that was a damn fine flick as well.  i liked this one better.

talk about a stellar cast, don cheadle, ethan hawke, richard gere and who is that?  wesley snipes?  nice to see you again wesley.  we were getting tired of waiting for blade 4.  hope you made enough to get the tax man off your back.  you are as good as you’ve ever been here.

in fact, this might be my favorite richard gere movie.  everyone is great.

this is a hard core cop drama where there are no good guys.  everyone in this film has some glaring flaws.  there are no clear cut heros or antagonist.  everyone has got major issues.  from alcoholic cops about to retire and just don’t give a flip, to undercover cops with more allegiance to his crime buddy.

i think i’ll go on record and call this the best movie of the year so far.  go see it.  it’s better than alice in wonderland which came out with it this weekend.  unless your a little kid.  then alice is for you.  i mean, i wouldn’t take children to see brooklyn’s finest.

four and a half empty clips out of five.


January 8, 2010

the best vampire movie i’ve seen this year!  of course it is only january 8.

no faggie sparkle in the sunlight vampires here.  nope, these monsters burst full into flame when they come in contact with sunlight.  and when they don’t drink human blood they turn into even worse monsters.  nasty bat looking creatures that get all crazy and stuff.

the premise is this, the vampire virus breaks out and everyone turns into a vampire except a few humans who decide to fight against it.  so the vamps round up the remaining humans and farm them for blood.  other than the obvious problem here, the vampires would at some point realize if they turned everyone human, they would eventually run out of food.  and run out of food is exactly what they do.

they are of course searching for a blood substitute to keep them all alive.  they should call up the folks over at true blood at hbo.

anyway, ethan hawke is a vampire hermatologist working on this blood substitute.  he’s a softy and has compassion for the humans he sees hung up and drained of blood as he walks to his office everyday at work.  he runs into some humans on the run and they recruit him to help develop a cure.  but of course the greedy rich vampire that runs everything really isn’t looking for a cure, just repeat customers.

blood and gore ensue.  and it does get bloody and gory.  and ya know, that’s alright.  that’s the way vampire flicks are supposed to be.  starring ethan hawke, willem defoe and sam neill.

this one ain’t blowing up the box office this weekend unless everyone gets snowed in and has already seen everything else.  it’s just kinda alright.  i mean, it’s got some cool sun bursting and wood staking in it but i’m not gonna rush out and buy it on dvd.  if i find it in the five dollar rack maybe…