Posts Tagged ‘david spade’

grown ups.

July 2, 2010

so it took me a while to get around to seeing this flick.  and it’s really not bad.  way more better than adam sandler’s last disaster, funny people.  but this one ain’t bad.  i laughed out loud on multiple occasions.  they do some funny stuff.

it’s not the best movie you’re going to see all summer.  it’s not the funniest.  but if you like adam sandler, kevin james, rob scheider and david spade, well, you’ve probably got some major issues.  i didn’t mention chris rock there because he really is no more than the token black man in this whole thing.  which is a shame.  chris rock is one funny black man.

they try to pull off a couple race jokes but really make an attempt to be non-offensive.  so needless to say the race jokes aren’t very funny.  in fact, they make an effort to be non-offensive the whole way through this movie.  ya know, to appeal to families more.  so it’s not near as funny as it could have been if they had just let these fellas loose on each other.  but it’s still pretty good nonetheless.  and it’s clean enough you can take your teenagers to see.

in their childhood these guys all played on a championship little league basketball team and then every how many years later they get together for coach’s funeral.  ya know, tell stories of the old days and raze each other like middle schoolers.  and that’s where most of the funny comes from.  they crack on each other pretty hard.

they get some good laughs out of rob schneider’s character too.  he’s married to what looks like a 60 year old woman and they make out like 19 year olds in heat.  it’s a little disturbing but good for some gross out laughs.

at the end they all have a stand around and be honest with each other scene that is pretty lame.  there really wasn’t a whole lot of tension between the characters to need a get it all in the open and move on scene.  basically just aalma hayek flying off the handle every few minutes because adam sandler is trying to trick her.  but he never does anything really mean.  but it’s whatever.

i wouldn’t go so far as to call this a family film, but you can take young teens without having to cover their eyes and plug their ears.  i’m not sure you are going to learn anything by watching this film.  but you will laugh out loud a few times.

six floppy toupes out of ten.

on a side note i am wondering why people are so retarded?  about five minutes after the movie started a black family comes in, loudly and sits in our row.  which is no problem but it takes them another five minutes to get situated.  they have younger kids with them that don’t want to sit next to each other.  then they want to know if this was the movies.  then the teenager sitting closest to us pulls out her cell phone and starts texting…

but i don’t care, me and my guest just up and split.  we move down in the theater into an empty row.  only in the row in front of us is some drunk red necks!  who like to also talk loudly and show pictures to each other on their cell phones.

really?  what is wrong with everyone?  am i the only person likes to enjoy a film without a running dialog from the peanut gallery?  am i the only person can go two hours without checking my phone or downloading some arbitrary BS just for the sake of using up bandwidth?

the movie gets a 6, the idiots in the theater with me get a 2.

joe dirt.

April 11, 2008

without a doubt the apex of david spade’s career.  and we thank you for it.  i thank chris farley for it.  if that fat bastard hadn’t overdosed himself with sex, booze and cocaine, the world would be without joe dirt.

it would have been joe dirt but farley would have played dirt and david spade would have been giant frozen poop.  praise allah.

instead, we have arguably the best comedy in the last ten years?  it is funny still right now and it came out in, oh i just looked it up.  2001.  so best comedy in the last seven years.  name a funnier movie since then?

name one you can watch over and over.  laughing just as hard the second time around?  don’t you bust outloud everytime you hear, “i’m your sister, i’m your sister”.

i know i do.

you can get it for five bones at the wal mart.  and it’s just as suitable for children as anything else that’s on.  joe dirt learns valuable lessons and teaches a positive outlook on life regardless of your circumstances.

ten mop buckets out of ten mop buckets.